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     FreeTime is a website that inspires people with          and interesting facts to cope with boredom during COVID-19. We made FreeTime to change the way our users spend their time during the pandemic.
     Before we moved to remote learning, we were using the human-centered design process to create assistive tech for those with cerebral palsy. Empathy had a big influence on our team when deciding how to pivot our invention for virtual sessions. We decided that it would be useful to create an website that would help people during the current crisis.
    Each user makes an account after a             , where we learn more about their interests. Users then pick a category and the FreeTime generator provides quote, activity or fact to occupy their mind. Here, we link to Glitch websites that we coded together by making a JavaScript generator. As a group, we picked our logos from The Noun Project website and a color scheme using Adobe Color. In the Future we would expand the categories, sections for games, journal entries, rewards, and add a security feature.  
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